Franklin County Sheriff's Office
Regional Dog Shelter
Wish List
Below are a list of items we would greatly appreciate!
You can drop them off or mail them directly to us.
We know many people want to buy dog food and our Shelter appreciates the thought, however we are trying to keep the dogs food supply consistent to prevent digestive problems therefore we suggest a gift card from Greenfield Farmers Exchange.
Gift Cards from: Greenfield Farmer’s Supply, Tractor Supply, Home Depot, Staples, Bernardston Farmers Supply
Kong dog toys/ Toys we can put treats into
Thank you cards
Kitchen Trash bags
Garbage bags
Computer paper
White board markers
Rubbermaid bench storage box/Toy box
Storage totes
Heart Guard
Dog gates
Pet safe ice melt
Dark green and Dark blue buckle collars all sizes.
Dish soap
Bleach- Regular Clorox that says it "disinfects"
paper Towels